MN ROI Android App provide services in Masternode Coin Statics. MN ROI provide you Masternode coin monitoring service and constantly you can check status of your running Masternode.
We are looking forward to serve you best statistical data and best features. We hope that it will help you for investments in Masternode coins. In our Android App, you can found daily statistical data of all coin which is listed. We are trying our best to add all details of Masternode coin. If you want to list your coin in our website than visit coin listing section. We are showing data of Masternode coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.
App Features
- You can check Total number of coins added to MNROI, Total number of online masternodes for every added coins.
- Set Your Favourite Coin for Speedy Update.
- Set Notification for New Coin Add and Masternode Expire.
- Set Email Notification while MN is Expired.
- Users can check Daily statistical data of all Masternode coin which is listed on
- Check your Daily income and track status of your Masternode and receive notification.
- Every coin will get his personal page with detailed information.
We have tried to add our all afford to make App Perfect for All. If you have still new ideas than let us know we are waiting for feedback and suggestions.
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MN ROI Android App在Masternode Coin Statics中提供服务。 MN ROI为您提供Masternode硬币监控服务,您可以不断检查正在运行的Masternode的状态。
- 您可以查看添加到MNROI的硬币总数,每个添加硬币的在线masternode总数。
- 设置您最喜欢的硬币以便快速更新。
- 设置新硬币添加和Masternode过期的通知。
- MN过期时设置电子邮件通知。
- 用户可以查看www.mnroi.info上列出的所有Masternode硬币的每日统计数据
- 检查您的每日收入并跟踪您的Masternode的状态并接收通知。
- 每枚硬币都会在个人页面上显示详细信息。